Dress Tips For Tall and Thin Men

Thin men that are also tall can look goofy when dressed in the wrong type of clothing. On the other hand, knowing what colors, fabrics, and styles match this physique, can create a very stylish and model-like look. This article is the last of our four part series on: How to Dress For Your Body Type.

The Clothing "DOs" For Tall and Thin Men:
If your goal is to add extra weight to your frame, or at least make it appear that way, then horizontal stripes on clothing will be your best choice. The best colors are lighter shades - something that can be a little tricky when dressing in suit and tie. When dressing for business best are light gray suits, tan and beige suits (best for the spring and summer months), and medium-navy blue suits. If you wear a tie, then striped neckties are best. Also great are alternating colors in jacket and pants. Blazers made from a heavier twill fabric are an excellent choice here.

The Clothing DON'Ts for Tall and Thin Guys:
If you feel like your height might make you look almost too thin, then there are a few types of clothing, colors, and styles you may want to stay away from. First of all, avoid vertical stripes such as pin stripes on suits. In addition dark clothes will slim you even further. Your pants should fit at the waistline and be at the right length. Pants that are too short will look like that there are no pants available that would fit you. For your neckties choose a smaller tie knot that is in better proportion with your thinner and longer looking neck. The Four in Hand Knot would be a good choice. If regular sized ties don't fit, then you may want to consider extra long ties - usually a good fiot for men taller than 6 foot 3 inches.

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